This morning around 1:30 AM Cody had a seizure and then another one at 2:30 AM. His seizing pattern has been in clusters of two (typically) and they’re always very exactly timed and spaced apart. It had been 4 months since his last one and we had been so pleased of the time-span without a seizure.
Cody’s doctor had advised that one a month should not cause alarm so we thought Codes was doing exceptionally well and was considering modifying his dosage. Although he seems to have stabilized, we’re not going to modify the dosage for now. We have an appointment to check his blood levels next week and the state of his liver from the pheno (I give him milk thistle everyday to protect his liver).
It was a long night. A night full of concern and hoping he wouldn’t have a third one (it did happen once before he was on meds). The disorientation lasted long between the first and second. The second seizure was strong and I was, to say the least, a bit alarmed at how much his face and body contorted and his head thrashed in such a way that I had not experienced before. Hubbs came out of nowhere for the second one and helped me hold him and I’m so glad he had because it took some bracing.
A half an hour after the second seizure, he was sleeping more soundly and on his side. I was confident he wouldn’t have another and he didn’t. The rest of the night for me was spent with one eye open fixed on my Codes and the other one closed trying not to fall asleep.
I skipped a whole post on what route we ended up taking with Cody and managing his seizures (collars with bells, baby monitors, timers to remember about meds, where to purchase meds, etc.). I will write about it in a next post. It’s important that I document it for our sake too, and what better place than on CT?
About the photograph: So easy to get at angles without having to actually lie on the floor or my stomach by just using my tablet! Image taken with tablet/iPad! This image of Cody was taken in June.
Note: I’m in no way sensationalizing Cody’s seizures. However, this is a journal about my fur-kids, my corgis, and besides starting to share and document it on the journal – I hope that some of what I write and share may in some way help others and in turn help us too. Our choices and opinions, thoughts are our own and with much consideration. I am not rendering advice or suggestions, personal or medical. If you’re in a similar situation, please consult your veternarian. Thank you for being a part of Corgi Tales and your interest.